
w3fools is a site dedicated to breaking web designers of relying on w3schools as their main source of info. I use w3schools all of the time and haven’t encountered any problems, but w3fools insist that the school is full of misleading or just plain wrong information. They appear to be quite nitpicky; after all, isn’t the web full of not-quite-right info? Ultimately though, it is good to be aware of potential mistakes on the w3schools site.

More Genis Carreros

So it turns out the Gex is actually Genis Carreros, and I think all of his design work is beautiful. His site is clean and simple, but I have to say, I can’t stand the horizontal scrolling. It feels so unnatural and uncomfortable. Literally uncomfortable to have to move the mouse that way. I wonder if there’s a way to get the page to scroll sideways while using the dial on the mouse?

Her’s some more of Gex’s work

The Next Great Artist

Work of Art

Work of Art



This show is insulting, infuriating,  and pointless…and I can’t stop watching it. The entire concept is ridiculous, pitting visual artist against one another the Bravo standardized competition reality show format, duking it out week after week until only one is left…the Next Great Artist. What the hell does that mean? And who decides? And how?And how can anyone in any art world actually take any of these artists seriously after they’ve appeared on this show? I know that exposure of any kind is important to an artsist, but something about this theater is just icky. And cheap.

Having said that, I do like most of the artists on the show. I think they are talented and interested and for the most part established artists in their own right. Except for Lola, the 24 year old sexpot who  revealed  that her mother dated Al Pacino for ten years. Vitally important information, for sure. She even provided viewers photographic proof. Puke.

One of the reasons that I continue to watch the show is that it inspires me every week to make art. I pull out a sketchbook and markers and just draw, sketch, think on paper. And that’s a good thing.

matchbook magazine

Wow. I’m so impressed the the layout and functionality of this site. I love magazines and subscribe to (too) many, but I find that their digital counterparts don’t offer me the same satisfaction. I can’t cut out pictures from Matchbook, but I can flip through in the manner to which I have grown accustomed.

Matchbook Magazine


These are the mood boards for my client, Fitness by Jenn.

She’s a personal trainer in Chicago, with a varied clientale and a fun and innovative attitude. I presented her with color palettes, shapes and typefaces that I thought would convey her spirited approach to working out.

Class Presentation Responses

Faith Ringold

I had never heard of Faith Ringold, but was amazed by her work and life story. She was able to accomplish so much as an artist, even though her race and gender presented immense challenges to her. I liked her “Super Realism” approach to painting. I paint (rarely) and have the same sort of relationship to color.

Frank Miller

I’ve been a fringe fan of Miller’s since I saw the trailer for Sin City. I loved the movie but (not being a huge fan of graphic novels or “comics”) never got that into him. I’m glad I got to see more of his work during the presentationHis use of one bold color as a focal point in a black and white setting is phenomenal.  I’ll definitely check out more of his work, not just the film adaptations.
Nam Jun Baik

I don’t quite understand the meaning of a lot of  Baik’s work, but I did enjoy the presentation and responded to it on an intuitive level. Technology, its uses, overuses and its growing dominance in our current culture, fascinate me. I appreciated his dissection/commentary on the subject. I am a non-apologetic TV junkie but also realize the absurdity of spending one’s time sitting in front of box for hours on end. I think that Baik feels the same way I do. I appreciate that he has respect for his subjects even as he critiques them.